Why CFOs must overhaul legacy finance systems

The current state of finance systems in many organisations is significantly undervaluing the finance function and the expanding role of the CFO. According the FSN’s latest research the Future of Finance Systems, most finance systems are able to deliver the basic functions like financial stewardship, regulatory compliance and control, but only half manage to provide … Continued

Can CFOs feel their way to success?

Much has been written about the customer journey and the customer experience along the way. The thinking goes that if we can empathise more closely with what the customer is experiencing, then we can better serve them with product and services. Indeed, FSN’s research, The Future of Budgeting, Planning and Forecasting shows that 70% of … Continued

The changing face of software evaluation

The accelerating pace of technology innovation is undeniable and whether it is in the home or in business, potential users face a bewildering choice of solutions.  Smart Homes may be de rigueur in our personal lives but smart technologies are also transforming business processes. Natural language processing, social collaboration, robotic process automation, machine learning and … Continued

What are the barriers to finance process innovation?

According to a recent survey, 34% of finance functions are actively pursuing finance process innovation.  But that still leaves 66% mired in legacy systems and unable to break out of the pack.  The FSN “Innovation in the Finance Function” study, harvested the views of more that 1,000 senior finance professionals globally as it sought to … Continued

What does innovation mean to the finance professional?

Despite the huge interest in innovation and the thousands of column inches written in the media every day, innovation is one of those terms that defies precise definition. So rather than attempt to define it, FSN’s 2018 Innovation in the Finance Function research invited the global finance community to offer examples of what it thought … Continued

How data visualisation supports a new era of business partnering

Finance professionals place a premium on “insight.  When asked where innovation is most needed in the finance function, more than 80% of finance leaders responded that it was most needed in the delivery of business insight, and this is a recurring theme of FSN’s recent research. Yet for many organisations, insightfulness, i.e. the ability to … Continued

Is the secret of success in financial management based on the ability to master data?

A recent FSN study, “Innovation in Financial Reporting” shows that finance functions that have mastered their data outperform their peers in terms of the speed of forecasting, accuracy of forecasting, and time needed to close the books. The report defines four categories of finance function, namely; the “Data Overloaded” who are overwhelmed by too many … Continued

How can CFOs innovate their way to success?

FSN’s 2018 “Innovation in the Finance Function” research confirms the crucial role that innovation plays in finance function success.  The study, assembled the views of more than 1,000 senior finance professionals globally, and reveals that not only do innovative finance functions reforecast the enterprise more swiftly and accurately but they also close the books more … Continued

How can CFOs convince the board to invest in finance innovation?

Today’s discerning consumers have come to expect a high level of service and convenience – from targeted shopping suggestions to smart-home assistants and one-click ordering. But businesses have forged ahead with these front-end innovations without a backward glance at the back-end systems expected to support them. Many finance functions are in desperate need of technological … Continued

Underinvestment in finance – The business risk and the absence of rewards

Finance functions have suffered chronic underinvestment for many years. Compared to the front-facing customer functions, finance, and the back office that facilitates sales, are under increasing pressure as businesses grow and change. Putting finance investment on the backburner isn’t just an unnecessary business risk, it also means missing out on the substantial rewards of an … Continued