5 Reasons why it’s time for CFOs to ditch ‘internal’ email.

Gary Simon, CEO, FSN says “Having been partially responsible for persuading businesses and CFOs to use email in the early 1980s I feel a little guilt-ridden saying that I would now like to get rid of it. But after 30 years I think it’s fair to say that email has run its course and the … Continued

Businesses are automating – so why are audit fees increasing?

Almost every week there is a press release or report from one of the Big 4 accounting firms urging businesses to improve efficiency through financial process automation, standardisation and innovation.  So as we approach a new audit season the troubling question is why are audit fees so stubbornly high and increasing? And at a time … Continued

5 reasons why CFOs need to hug their Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs)

The importance of the CFO as a business partner is well established, but as organizations in all industry sectors begin to confront the inevitability and rewards of digital business, the involvement of the CFO in marketing is becoming more pronounced. A recent EY survey[1] found that 54% of CFOs say that their collaboration with Chief … Continued

5 reasons why technology will create jobs for finance professionals

The role of technology in job destruction and creation has been a source of heated debate since the industrial revolution.  Whether it is farm machinery, telecommunications or transport, rapid changes in technology have transformed economic development – on the one hand displacing outmoded ways of working and yet on the other spawning entirely new industries … Continued

5 Reasons why CFOs must become d-CFOs or ‘digital CFOs’

WHAT SHOULD DIGITAL CFOs DO? The digital economy is pervasive. There isn’t a single industry sector or business that isn’t affected, directly or indirectly, by the impact of digital technologies such as the cloud, mobile, big data and social. But with such profound changes underfoot CFOs can no longer brush digital change and innovation under … Continued

What’s Driving the Future of the Finance Function? (Part II)

Innovation on the ‘inside’ The notion that innovation has to be glamorous and ground-breaking is seriously misplaced – recent research shows that looking after core financial processes on the ‘inside’ of the organisation adds far more to the bottom line over the medium term than the latest customer-facing gimmicks.  A 2014 study by McKinsey highlights … Continued

What’s Driving the Future of the Finance Function? (Part I)

The Billon Dollar Startup Club is a collaboration between The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones VentureSource which tracks venture-backed private companies valued at $1 billion or more. The club follows some of the most rapidly growing and valuable businesses on the planet.  You will see some very familiar names on there but the ‘engine of growth’ underpinning all of … Continued

CFOs are sleepwalking into the cloud!

Most CFOs have ‘bought-into’ the cloud in some shape or form. If they are not moving to the cloud now then it is definitely on the near-term horizon. IDC the analyst firm says that public IT cloud services spending will grow to more than $127 billion in 2018, representing a compound annual growth rate of … Continued

How can CFO’s convince colleagues to invest in financial processes?

A central tenet of the Modern Finance agenda is the crucial importance of process automation and standardisation.  And it’s not surprising because if you look at any medium to large business you will find multiple instances of different vendors’ budgeting, consolidation, ERP and CRM systems. And you don’t have to take my word for it.  … Continued

CFOs face complex choices in the cloud

The choice is no longer cloud versus on-premise Up until now the nature of the cloud market for financial solutions (Corporate Performance Management and ERP) has been pretty straightforward. It’s been a straight choice between traditional on-premise vendors on the one hand and a growing clutch of relatively new cloud vendors on other. And although … Continued