Gary Simon, CEO FSN and Leader of the Modern Finance Forum on LinkedIn interviews Oliver Deacon, a former Finance Director at Microsoft, a qualified ACC Executive Coach and a Fellow of the ICAEW. Oliver brings a refreshing and inspiring perspective of Modern Finance, especially contemporary issues around the challenges of finance talent management. Oliver has also recently joined us as a moderator in the Modern Finance Forum in LinkedIn.
CFOs face formidable challenges in hiring, nurturing, and retaining finance talent like never before. Fast-paced changes in digital technology, automation, innovation, data science and analytics together with a widening skills shortage, present profound challenges for the Modern Finance Function. Added to which, the World Economic Forum suggests that within 7 years around half of the workforce will be part-time.
So how should the modern finance function be thinking about the future? What should CFOs be considering when setting a long-term vision for their finance team?
Oliver and Gary discuss how the finance function can give itself the best chance of retaining its key talent, whether there is value in a distinctive finance function brand and how the modern finance function can leverage its traditional strengths to help connect data science to the business.